Bikram Yoga Mallorca is a complete system of Wellness, Restoration and Rejuvenation. From beginners to the advanced, cleanse your body from the inside out at the same time calming the mind.
Based in Centro Park Son Rapinya near McDonalds, at Bikram Yoga Mallorca our classes are centered around a sequence of 26 postures with the latest technology in studio heating at 41 degrees Celsius to facilitate deeper stretching, prevent injury, relieve stress and tension and completely detoxify the body.
Bikram Yoga flushes away the waste products and toxins and provides a natural irrigation of the body. It brings nourishment to every cell so that each one can perform its function and keep your body healthy.
Contact us today on 971 285 185 or for more information about our classes go to
“Never too late, Never too old, Never too bad, Never too sick to Start from scratch once again”